Slices of our antica piadina

The authentic essence of the piadina.
The ancient taste for simplicity.

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Ingredient List

Farina di grano tenero tipo “0” 100% italiana, acqua, olio extravergine di oliva (5%), sale, lievito (difosfato disodico, carbonato acido di sodio, amido di mais), conservante E202.


Contains gluten. May contains traces of eggs, soya and mustard.
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Ingredient List

Farina di grano tenero tipo “0” 100% italiana, acqua, olio extravergine di oliva (5%), sale, lievito (difosfato disodico, carbonato acido di sodio, amido di mais), conservante E202.


Contains gluten. May contains traces of eggs, soya and mustard.

Cooking Guidelines

Heat it two minutes per side in a non-stick frying pan.
Turn it over a few times during cooking.
Do not use the microwave.

Alternative method

Turn on the toaster and let it warm up for about a minute.
Place the antica piadina slices inside.
Let it cook 2 minutes until the slices are golden brown.
Take it out of the toaster and enjoy it.


Keep it in a cool, dry place. Once opened, refrigerate and consume within 5 days.

Expert tips

Let your imagination roam free and stuff it with your own recipe or enjoy it as a bread substitute.
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Local ingredients

Con miele biologico

Romagna tradition

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Local ingredients

Con miele biologico

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