An authentic flavour 
The same as for over 500 years

Hand-rolled with kindness and patience. Made from water, flour, salt, lard, pepper and eggs. Today we still prepare each Crescia Sfogliata following the ancient recipe from Urbino, the place where the tradition was born in the mid-1400s. 

This is why we can say: that our Crescia Sfogliata of Urbino, that you taste today, is the same as it was during the Renaissance.

A sensorial experience

The scent of 'bread' pervading the kitchen as you heat up the Crescia. The crunchiness of the crust you can hear while biting it. The little crumbs you can pick up on the plate with the fingers. And finally, the yellow of the egg that gives you a vision of bright colours. 

Our advice is not just to eat the Crescia Sfogliata of Urbino, but to experience it in every detail.
Learn about our history

Crescia and Piadina are not the same thing.

But both taste amazing!

Can't choose between the two? Then don't choose. You can order both, together with many other products. 
We guarantee you delivery within 48 hours..
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Having fun while eating Crescia.

Piadina Snack

La piadina fritta
Bastoncini di Piadina Fritta Croccante!

Gustala come vuoi e quando vuoi. A pranzo, merenda, aperitivo e cena….è sempre l’ora di Piadina Snack!
Piadina Snack è lo snack che mancava, una novità assoluta.
Sono bastoncini di piadina fritta romagnola croccante, ottimo snack ideale per aperitivi,catering, merende e qualsiasi momento della giornata!
Si mangia da sola come le patatine, ma favolosa anche per accompagnare salumi, formaggi e tutto ciò che vi suggerisce la vostra fantasia!
E’ un’ottima e più sana alternativa alle patatine fritte e ai soliti snack.
scopri di più

Carbonara puff pastry Crescia

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Want to try more combinations? Read all the filling recipes.
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Do you want our Crescia Sfogliata of Urbino at your place?

Gastronomy, winery, or any other type of retail shop. Write us to order our Crescia.

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